
Urban and Rural Resident Land Cover Distribution between 2000 - 2010

To support global change studies and international cooperation in Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), the National Remote Sensing Center of China(NRSCC), Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China integrated a series of products from National High-tech Research and Development Program (863 Program) to carry out global ecosystem change remote sensing annual reports.
As a part of 2013 Annual Report,  Urban and Rural Resident Land Cover Distribution between 2000-2010 represents the monitoring results of global artificial cover among the global land cover remote sensing data product in 30 meters spatial resolution (GlobalLand30). In statistics, the data on continental and national boundaries in 1:1M scale is used, which is provided by the National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC). The Datasets of Global Urban and Rural Resident Land Cover Distribution between 2000-2010 were developed jointly by NGCC and Beijing Normal University with the coordination by NRSCC. The data and related information services are provided by NGCC, and the data and report are published at the website of National Integrated Earth Observation Data Sharing Platform (old.chinageoss.cn../../../).